Tag: #focus

Make Men notice you

Men are busy people. There are a lot of girls in this world and Men don't just have the time to deal with all of us. So you have to stand out. You have to make Men notice you. Make them see you for who you are. Use whatever assets are to your disposal, because if you don't will, some other girl will.

Male attention is a finite resource. There is only so much time Men can spend on us. So we are competing in a fierce environment. Not every girl can get the male attention she wants and some girls will get more than others. But getting male attention is the key to getting all we ever dreamed about: male approval. So fluff up your tits, tighten your blouse, lift up your skirt and go out there and do your best. Make Men take notice of you. Make Men see you. Make Men approve of you. If you really believe in yourself, you can do it. You can be the bestest YOU possible.

Remember: to keep a Man with your flawless obedience, you first have to catch his attention. Only after he is interested in your looks and your body, he can start to experience how docile and submissive you are. So never underestimate what some sluttiness can do for you.

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Focus on what's important!

Men focus on our tits. They just do. They love how they look, how they bounce, and how soft they feel. Men love tits. And we got tits. So we can use that to make Men love us :)

There is a reason Men say about a big titted girl that she has "big personalities". So, dear girls, focus on what's important here: Supply and Demand. Men want tits and we got tits. It is that easy. If we show them off, dangle them in front of their faces, then we will get their attention.

So never neglect your tits and always present them in the best light possible, because, let's face it, they are the most interesting thing we girls have to offer.

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