Use your Superpower  

i've been rereading Worm, the best superhero story there is, was and ever will be. Well, maybe Ward (the sequel) is better, but i haven't read it yet. It is about a world where about 1 in 8000 has some form of superpower. Like being able to fly, telekinesis,…

By tussi4life

Men stand and girls kneel

There is just a fundamental difference between our genders. Even though girls can stand strong and Men can kneel docile, it never really feels right for either. It is basic biology when we think about it. Men are hunters, predators. They take charge, they "go for it". It doesn't…

By tussi4life

Corset Ramblings

I came across a post on bdsmlr that made me ramble about Corsets. Nothing sexy, just some history nerding. Corsets got a bad rep in the late 1800s when the first wave of feminism started. Lots of wrong information about the dangers of corsets, mainly coming from the fact…

By tussi4life

First Times

For a long time, i didn't understand what Men find hot about this. A girl licking a toilet or other non-sexual but icky things. But nowadays i know that it isn't about sex, it is about dignity. A normal person wouldn't lick the toilet, but a dirty whore would.

By tussi4life

Silence is Golden

One thing Men really don't need (especially after a long workday) is a waterfall of words when they come home. This does not mean Men don't care about us, but they are not as communicative as we are. They need their quiet and rest to recharge their energy. Also…

By tussi4life

Don't forget about Ass

We are often so focused on tits and how bouncy they are and how men just love playing with and staring at them, that we forget that girls are way more than just a pair of tits. We are a bunch of ass too. Unlike tits, you can actively…

By tussi4life

Happiness is just a bounce away

The whole Thank God It's Titty Bounce Day Archive can be found on pornhub. While we all know that Men love boobs, we often underestimate HOW much they love them. Tits can be fun but for us girls, they are also often in the way. Especially when they bounce needlessly…

By tussi4life