Height Matters

There are scientific studies that show that men find women in high heels more attractive than women in flat shoes. But even more so, the higher the heels, the more interested men are into the woman.

This has many reasons which are not fully explored yet, but some contributing factors are the enforced posture change and the projection of helplessness. Damsels in distress have always allured men, so to appear vulnerable is often times a good way to catch a man's eye. High heels make us less steady and less agile, therefore appeal to a man's chivalry to protect us. This is a subconscious thing and men wanting to help and safeguard us is not a testimony to how weak we are, but to how precious we are.

So don't just go for high heels over flat shoes, always go for the highest heels possible. Sometimes agility and balance matters, then it is best to opt for kitten wedges. But most of the time it should be stilettos with an ever-growing height.

Don't wear heels you don't feel comfortable in yet. Practice with them at home, because hardly anything is less sexy than a girl stumbling along in her shoes. Wear the highest heels you can comfortably walk in and keep on training with higher ones at home.

Because height matters. Men will react better and better towards you, even on a subconscious level. Beauty always lies in the eyes of the beholder, but smart women know how to nudge him in the right direction.